florida cat entry forms & payment

Before completing the form please arrange payment (via www.skywaycatclub.com/summary_sheet) and the pedigrees or registration certificates of each cat to services@lcwwgroup.com​. For multiple cats, please refresh the page upon seeing the thank you screen to enter again. Upon entering a show you agree to accept the LCWW rules and terms of conditions where it states all entries are non refundable. In special circumstances you can petition this with the FFAP and we will look at any queries on a case by case basis. If you a have entered a particular cat in a show before then you do not need to submit that cat's paperwork again. Please check all your information is correct before submitting. All exhibitors agree to our Code of Conduct.

Class information: kitten 4- under 6 months, junior 6- under 10 months, adult 10 months+, alter 10+ months, HHPK 4- under 8 months, HHP 8+ months, non-champ 4+ month. You must fill out the cat form when you know which cat(s) you will enter BEFORE the closing date. You can pay for your entry to secure your place and fill in the form separately before Monday at 5pm the week of the show.

Please note that LCWW friendships discounts cannot be applied to this show.